Sunday, January 10, 2016

Create your own DIY Cat Scratching Post for $2

My cats starting using the couch as a scratching post since I moved. As you can imagine, this is not a good thing in my eyes. This, of course, was my fault because I didn't want to bring their old beat up scratching post with us.  Being low on funds I decided to make them a scratching post so onward to Pinterest I went. I did a take on this one.

Materials needed
  • Cardboard (about 4 medium size boxes)
  • Scissors 
  • Glue (I used a craft liquid adhesive but hot glue will work)
  • Paper Cutter
  • Catnip (optional)

I had to buy the glue and scissors. This was the only cost to me. If you have these on hand your DIY cat scratching box can be free!

I didn't end up using the big pots and pans cardboard box but included it in the picture because I wasn't sure how much I would need.

Set one box aside as this is the one you will be lining. Take measurements as you will need to cut the strips to fit inside this box.

Then break down the rest of your cardboard and get to cutting.

I used the paper cutter for measuring the strips and for cutting. Since cardboard is thicker than paper, I had to flip the cardboard and slice each side. Then the pieces were easy to snap off by folding each side where the slice was. I made the width 2 inches. The scissors were used to cut the length to match the interior of the box.

Now that you have some pieces, start filling your box. You can glue the sides of the pieces together as you go. I did the glue all together at the end.

Once the glue is dry, sprinkle in a little catnip to get your cats interested and a scratching they will go. Thus far the cats love the new scratcher and have not put their nails in the couch.

I also left the height of my box higher and didn't make it flush with the strips. This way the kitties could still sit inside the box.

I think I need to make one for each.

This took me the better part of 5 hours. Granted, breaks were taken, phone calls were made and cigarettes were smoked but still, save your time and buy a scratching post from Wal-Mart for $10.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

How to Hand Paint a Guitar

Items need:
  •          Guitar
  •          Paint (I used acrylic)
  •          Lacquer or paint sealer (I used a spray on kind)
  •          Paintbrushes
  •          Guitar Strings
  •          Painter’s Tape

You will first need to remove the strings that are currently on the guitar if any.  I didn’t sand down the guitar although you are more than welcome to. 

This is a photo my daughter took of the guitar before anything was done to it:

Select your design, I chose a cute LPS mouse because my daughter likes Littlest Pet Shop. Print this off as a reference, unless you are a better artist than I.

I then painted a base coat on the front of the guitar. Once you have a couple of coats down for you base coat you can start on your design.

Start with the basic shapes of your design in the colors. For example I did the basic shapes of the mouse in grey and the cheese in light yellow. Then do the detail colors, leaving the black outline for last. For me the next detail layer was the white tummy, pink ears, white and blue for the eyes, pink hands and feet, then dark yellow for the cheese. Trust me, once you get that last layer of black outline on, it will look great. Make sure to let the paint dry between each layer. 

Finished painting:

Lastly I coated the guitar with a spray on lacquer. A friend was kind enough to restring the guitar.

Thank you for reading! Enjoy this rendition of the 5 little pumpkins: